Stow It - Don't Throw It, Napa!
Have you seen these?
Permanent fishing line recycling stations are popping up in Napa County! Their purpose is to protect wildlife by keeping discarded monofilament fishing line out of our waterways and wetlands (and wildlife).
• Three new ones have been installed along the Napa River by City Parks and Recreation: at Kennedy Park boat launch, Riverside Drive at Napa River, and just south of the library.
• There are three located at Lake Berryessa.

But what if there isn't one of these near a fishing spot?
That’s where CanDo comes in!
We’re implementing a program called Stow It Don’t Throw It. This is a youth-driven nationwide project that’s coordinated in partnership with Mote Marine Laboratory and the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program in Florida. The CA Div. of Boating and Waterways and the CA Coastal Commission websites provide instructions for making personal containers that anglers can use to store tangled fishing line until it can be properly disposed of.
CanDo wants to help interested young people in the Napa Valley join this effort. We’ll help combat the dangers of monofilament fishing line by making and distributing these personal-sized fishing line recycling cans to Napans who are anglers and boaters.
Let’s get started, Napa!
You can help by:
• Collecting empty tennis ball canisters.
• Spreading the word to a youth group you know (or your family?)
For more information, contact Karen: karen@nvcando.org
Then what to do with the fishing line in the personal canister? Can fishing line be recycled?
Some options:
• Transfer the fishing line to a permanent fishing line recycling station (find one here). Some tackle shops collect used fishing line to be shipped off to be recycled by facilities not in Napa County.
• If disposing of it at home, transfer the fishing line to a bag and then place the bag in the gray landfill cart. Please do not put fishing line in the blue recycling cart. Otherwise, it will wrap around the recycling machinery and cause havoc on the recycling systems (just like it does if improperly disposed of in the environment).
If you fish, or know someone who does, please help us get out the word about safely disposing of this potentially dangerous material!

Youth groups all over the US are making personal fishing line recycling containers. But there aren't many doing it in northern CA. Let's change that!

There have been hundreds of containers like these made by kids, then distributed at Napa's Earth Day Festival.

Help us prevent wildlife injuries like this. If you’ve ever seen an animal tangled in it, you likely won’t forget it.