CanDo’s Napa Food Project
One Green Bag at a Time
A simple system that really works
CanDo’s Napa Food Project is an innovative way to fight hunger in our communities. It involves the power of CanDo volunteers, one green bag at a time. Through this project, CanDo has greatly increased the amount of non-perishable food donated to the CANV Food Bank annually. Sign up to help below!
It's built around three easy jobs

Food Donors
Fill a green bag with nonperishable food every two months and put it outside their front doors.

Neighborhood/Community Coordinators
Pick up donors’ green bags every two months and take them to the CANV Food Bank in Napa.

Warehouse Volunteers
Greet cars, remove and empty bags of non-perishable donations, sort the donations by type, and refold the bags.
Our green bag project builds community by sharing food

✓ More Neighborhood Coordinators (NCs) = More Food Donors
✓ More Food Donors = More Green Bags
✓ More Green Bags = More Food For Folks in Need
Those green bags add up!
Latest numbers:
December 12
13,889 lbs
of food collected
meals provided
2024 total
78,967 lbs
of food collected
meals provided

Questions? Contact us at napafoodproject@nvcando.org.
Need more info? Watch our video!
Rather donate money than groceries?

Yes, you can! There are a couple of options:
• Write a check payable to Napa Food Bank and give to your Neighborhood Coordinator on the pickup day.
• Visit the CANV website to make an online donation directly to the Food Bank.