Early on, we started calling CanDo’s Board of Directors our “CORE.” The word comes from the French “heart” (coeur), and that’s just how we feel about this group of lively and creative volunteers who make important decisions and “steer” CanDo: they are our heart.
Our CORE gathers monthly -- mostly by Zoom, but in nice weather, in the CanDo Garden. We don’t wear suits to our meetings. There’s no secret handshake. We don’t even have a “Board Room."​
But it’s still the same regardless of the venue: we talk, listen, and see what’s keeping things cooking. Then we take action.
All are volunteers and we’re always eager to have interested people sit in on a CORE gathering, whether to simply get a feel for how things work or to join in the conversation. It’s amazing to see what we CanDo when we work together.